Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Getting Fit To Walk Down The Aisle

Nothing dims the excitement of getting married quite like the thought of getting in shape in time for D-day!! Remember, it’s not only about losing those chocolate induced love handles but more importantly about ‘feeling’ like a million bucks. Whether you want to lose some weight or just get that beautiful bridal glow, it’s never too late to start.

Everyone wants to look fabulous in their ornate lehengas, backless cholis and elegant wedding gowns…and a few lifestyle changes will have you feeling amazing. Firstly, make sure you have a goal in mind; one which is realistic. A major weight loss of say 20kgs is not a realistic goal if you only have a couple of months, but is fine if you have six.

If it’s in your budget, start by meeting with a dietician. A dietician can help you formulate meal plans tailored to your goal, whether it’s to lose that belly bulge or tone up. If you decide to do it yourself, please make a healthy, well-balanced diet plan for yourself. Starving yourself will only lead to a weakened, grumpy you and unhealthy binges. Nutritious, low calorie, healthy meals and snacks should be on the menu. Make sure to load up on fresh fruits, veggies and plenty of water. Your skin and body will thank you for it. A healthy diet will have you saying goodbye to those dark circles and hello to a dewy, inner glow. There are plenty of good recipe and food-plan ideas to be found online and in health magazines….a good way to maintain your calorie count without getting bored!

If working out with a personal trainer is not an option for you, it’s pretty easy to get it done yourself. Whether you prefer running on the treadmill at the gym or stretching at yoga class, the main thing is to get moving! Take a walk around your neighbourhood, jog at the beach or go for a dance class. Instead of meeting your gal pal for a coffee, go take a walk or a group exercise class instead. Convenient options like exercise DVDs and online videos allow you to workout anytime and anywhere, so no more excuses! Buy small weights, weighted bands or resistance bands to add a punch to your at-home workouts. Aim for at least 30 to 45 minutes of cardio, 3-4 days a week, punctuated with strengthening and toning exercises. Small tweaks like taking the stairs and doing crunches or squats during TV commercial breaks can make a big difference. Getting a little exercise in will rev up your metabolism and leave you feeling happy and energetic.

Ultimately, it’s all about the confidence; a confident bride = a beautiful bride.

1 comment:

  1. Great advice for feeling fit and healthy for your wedding. Totally agree that it should be done in a healthy way. As long as you feel amazing, you will look amazing on your big day!
    wedding marketing
